Sociodemographic Characterization of Hospitalized Patients for Suicide Attempts and Self‑Injurious Behaviors in Psychiatry


  • Daniela Brandão Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental da ULSAM. Viana Do Castelo. Portugal
  • Aníbal Fonte Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde (CINTESIS). Porto. Portugal



Self‑Injurious Behavior, Hospitalization, Seasons, Suicide, Suicide, Attempted


Introduction: Suicidal behaviors lead unequivocally consequences both in society and in the family environment. These behaviors can be divided into suicidal acts (suicide attempts and completed suicide) and self‑injurious behaviors, which are important predictors of risk for suicide. This study is based on socio‑demographic characteristics of the hospitalized patient by suicide attempts and self‑injurious behaviors in a period of six years (2008‑2013), the comparison of these behaviors by gender and in assessing the evolution of admissions over these six years.

Methods: It was used as a data source records of clinical processes.

Results: During the study period the suicide attempts accounted for 13.1% of all admissions while self‑injurious behavior were the source of 0.9%. Most remains hospitalized for a relatively short period. Both predominantly females, aged between 31‑40 years and in Viana do Castelo. It appears that the majority of hospitalizations for suicide attempts occurs in February and spring, the result of a disturbance of adaptation. Self‑injurious behaviors occurs especially in April and October, in the summer, with most affective psychosis. In both cases, the poisoning is the predominant method, psychotropic agents being the most used. In 2013 recorded the highest number of admissions for suicide attempts without evidence of any hospitalization for self‑injurious behaviors.

Conclusion: This study confirms the importance of suicide attempts and self‑injurious behaviors in public health.


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How to Cite

Brandão, D., & Fonte, A. (2020). Sociodemographic Characterization of Hospitalized Patients for Suicide Attempts and Self‑Injurious Behaviors in Psychiatry. Revista Portuguesa De Psiquiatria E Saúde Mental, 6(1), 4–15.



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