Reflections on the Impact of Sexuality in Mental Health of Medical Students: A Quantitative Study in a Brazilian University


  • Michelle Lisboa Alves Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil and Department of Medicine, University Tiradentes, Aracaju, Brazil
  • Ricardo Alves Costa Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil and Department of Medicine, University Tiradentes, Aracaju, Brazil
  • Gabriel Pedro Gonçalves Lopes Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil and Department of Medicine, University Tiradentes, Aracaju, Brazil
  • Lauro Roberto de Azevedo Setton Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil and Department of Medicine, University Tiradentes, Aracaju, Brazil
  • Roberta Machado Pimentel Rebello de Mattos Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil and Department of Medicine, University Tiradentes, Aracaju, Brazil
  • Déborah Mônica Machado Pimentel Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil and Department of Medicine, University Tiradentes, Aracaju, Brazil



Mental Health, Sexual Behavior, Sexuality, Students, Medical


Introduction: Some specific groups seem to show a higher prevalence of depression when compared to the general popu‐ lation, and that seems to be the case within the LGBT medical students population. This study aims to find out if there are repercussions in students’ mental health according to their sexual orientation and to discover indications of depression in the participants according to their sexual orientation in the medicine course of the Federal University of Sergipe, in Aracaju.

Methods: A quantitative study was carried out at the Federal University of Sergipe, in Aracaju, Sergipe with 310 medical students who answered four questionnaries: Demographic characteristics, Beck Depression Inventory, LGBT Campus Climate Scale and the Scale of Perception of Social Support.

Results: About the stratification of depression according to sexual orientation, the prevalence of depression in LGBTI+ medical students were higher than that found in the heterosexuals students. Furthermore, both groups presented a lack of knowledge about specific public policies for this population.

Conclusion: It is extremely important that there are discussions that address both themes, sexuality and mental health, aiming to offer psychosocial support to those who are suffering in both groups, however, to those in need, with particular focus in those who show higher depression rates.


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How to Cite

Lisboa Alves, M. ., Alves Costa, R. ., Gonçalves Lopes, G. P. ., de Azevedo Setton, L. R. ., Machado Pimentel Rebello de Mattos, R. ., & Machado Pimentel, D. M. . (2022). Reflections on the Impact of Sexuality in Mental Health of Medical Students: A Quantitative Study in a Brazilian University. Revista Portuguesa De Psiquiatria E Saúde Mental, 8(3), 89–95.



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