Lurasidone: Ten Years Treating Adults with Bipolar Depression


  • Margarida Albuquerque Departamento de Saúde Mental, Hospital de Cascais, Cascais, Portugal
  • João Facucho-Oliveira Departamento de Saúde Mental, Hospital de Cascais, Cascais, Portugal
  • Daniel Esteves-Sousa Departamento de Saúde Mental, Hospital de Cascais, Cascais, Portugal
  • Nuno Moura Departamento de Saúde Mental, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Daniel Neto Casa de Saúde São João de Deus, Funchal, Portugal
  • Pedro Cintra Departamento de Saúde Mental, Hospital de Cascais, Cascais, Portugal



Adult, Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use, Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy, Lurasidone Hydrochloride/ therapeutic use


Lurasidone is an atypical antipsychotic approved in 2010 in Canada and in the USA for the treatment of adults with schizophrenia or bipolar type I disorder. In 2014 it was approved in the European Union for the treatment of patients with 13 years‑old or older, with schizophrenia. Lurasidone is a benzisothiazole derivative with a binding profile that makes it an antidepressant candidate with a low metabolic impact. In patients with bipolar disorder, depressive episodes tend to be present for the majority of the time and are difficult to treat, as shown in multiple surveys indicating that more than three quarters of patients with bipolar depression receive at least two pharmaceutical drugs and more than one third receive three or more. Some relevant international guidelines include different first‑line options in the treatment of bipolar depression, among which is lurasidone. Considering the difficulties in treating depressive episodes in bipolar disorder, the EU marketing authorization limiting the use of lurasidone in schizophrenia only and the expectable commercialization in Portugal by 2021, we aim to review the literature regarding the efficacy and advantages of lurasidone for depressive episodes of bipolar disorder and to discuss the usefulness of approving this medication as an alternative treatment approach.


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, M., Facucho-Oliveira, J., Esteves-Sousa, D., Moura, N., Neto, D., & Cintra, P. (2021). Lurasidone: Ten Years Treating Adults with Bipolar Depression. Revista Portuguesa De Psiquiatria E Saúde Mental, 7(2), 64–74.



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