Validity and Reliability of the Portuguese Version of Brief Motor Scale in Persons with Schizophrenia: A Preliminary Study
Neurologic Manifestations, Psychomotor Performance, Reproducibility of Results, SchizophreniaAbstract
Introduction: Neurological soft signs (NSS) indicate non‑specific cerebral dysfunction, those have been extensively documented in the clinical course of schizophrenia and have been considered as valuable symptoms to monitor the disorder. The Brief Motor Scale (BMS) has been widely used to assess motor neurological soft signs in patients with schizophrenia, but the Portuguese version is still unavailable. The aim of this study is the investigation of the validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the scale (BMS_pt).
Material and Methods: The International guidelines for the cross‑cultural process adaptation were considered. Forty three adults, between 23 to 63 years (39.74±11.16), 38 males and 5 females, with a diagnosis of schizophrenia participated in this study.
Results: Content validity indexes (> 0.75) pointed out the content validity of the BMS_pt with a moderate/strong agreement among experts. Internal consistency was confirmed, with Cronbach alphas ranging from 0.82 to 0.87. Pearson correlations ranged from 0.93 and 0.99 (p<0.01). Exploratory Factorial Analysis resulted in a two‑factor model that explained 58.91% of total variance
Conclusion: Results showed that all BMS_pt items are relevant. BMS_pt seems to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess motor NSS in individuals with schizophrenia with the potential to be used in rehabilitation services.
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